Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Anxiety, intimidation,confusion,....watching the world as if you dont belong in it

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cassadaga, oh yeah, that's where you're going to find the center of energy.
And they've got those in Arizona too.
You know, theres, I know that there's wonderful grounds that have vortexes.
That you might be interested in going to.
And the go to Nevada. And then go to California.
And then come south and go back through Arizona.
And go through Texas. You know what I'm saying?
Getting rid of the old feelings of the old ways.
And, you know, it's kind of like with people and the tarot cards.
Just because you get the Death card doesn't mean death or dying.
It means transoformation. It means changing things around...
Cause I was pulling in on a, on a dog or companion
Somehow I get the impression that your'e almost a little afraid to start the trip.
It doesn't have to be a straigh line happy face.
But make kind of a happy face, I mean kind of a smile.
Go up, up the east coast, but it's gonna be a circle.
You know what I'm saying? It's gonna be a sloppy circle.
Dont' be afraid. Years and years and years ago, you know, you might,
You might have come across some river and rock and the mountains or whatever.
And then when you get there maybe you'll have the answers you seek.

We have moved into a new era and life as we know it is changing.
Your relationships, career, and location will all be subject with an energy.
Allow me to share with you tips that will assist you during these new times.

Don't give up hope on yourself, no.
Just be paitent about the fact that .... how things are unfolding.
Because ..... you're less ... why are you afraid to start?
I think you should go.
I think you should go.
You know, plan ahead, pack the things that you think you're gonna need,
And then just go.
Cassadaga might be just a premonition of a place you're going to visit.

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Am I in love? --yes, since I am waiting. The other one never waits. Sometimes I want to play the part of the one who doesn't wait; I try to busy myself elsewhere, to arrive late; but I always lose at this game. Whatever I do, I find myself there, with nothing to do, punctual, even ahead of time. The lover's fatal identity is precisely this: I am the one who waits."
Roland Barthes (A Lover's Discourse: Fragments)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

THE WERLD by Daniil Kharms

THE WERLD by Daniil Kharms

I told myself that I see the world. But the whole world was not
accessible to my gaze, and I saw only parts of the world. And
everything I saw I called parts of the world. And I examined the
properties of these parts, and examining these properties, I wrought
science. I understood that the parts have intelligent properties and
that the same parts have unintelligent properties. I distinguished
them and gave them names, And, depending on their properties, the
parts of the world were intelligent or unintelligent.

And there were such parts of the world which could think. And there
parts looked upon me and the upon the other parts. And all these parts
resembled one another, and I resembled them. And I spoke with these

I said: parts thunder.

The parts said: a clump of time.

I said: I am also part of the three turns.

The parts answered: And we are little dots.

And suddenly I ceased seeing them and, soon after, the other parts as
well. And I was frightened that the world would collapse.

But then I understood that I do not see the parts independently, but I
see it all at once. At first I thought that it was NOTHING. But then I
understood that this was the world and what I had seen before was NOT
the world.

And I had always know what the world was, but what I had seen before I
do not even know now.

And when the parts disappeared their intelligent properties ceased
being intelligent, and their unintelligent properties ceased being
unintelligent. And the whole world ceased to be intelligent and

But as soon as I understood that I saw the world, I ceased seeing it.
I became frightened, thinking that the world had collapsed. But while
I was thinking this, I realized that had the world collapsed then I
would already not be thinking this. And I watched, looking for the
world, but not finding it.

And soon after there wasn’t anywhere to look.

Then I realized that since before there was somewhere to look—there
had been a world around me. And now it’s gone. There’s only me.

And then I realized that I am the world.

But the world—is not me.

Although at the same time I am the world.

But the world’s not me.

And I’m the world.

But the world’s not me.

And I’m the world.

But the world’s not me.

And I’m the world.

And after that I didn’t think anything more.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

In you I see dirty
In you I count stars
In you I feel so pretty
In you I taste god
In you I feel so hungry
In you I crash cars
We must never be apart

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This whole world's wild at heart and weird on top